Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Top of the World


When you're a kid, you're on top of the world. Unless of course you have to make your bed, do your homework and take out the garbage. Then you just want to ride off into the sunset on your well-trained Red-breasted Nuthatch as it calls out in a high nasal chirp that recalls the tooting of a tin horn (according to my dog-eared Field Guild to North American Birds), "YANK - YANK - YANK".

Exactly my sentiments when I was reading the morning newspaper about the sad plight of the economy... I got so mad I just wanted to scream "YANK YANK YANK!"

Which reminds me, this lovely study of Nature in all its glory is available for purchase ($25.00) in my online store GRAPHITEGIRL. Please purchase it so I can stop disturbing the neighbors with my bird calls.


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