Monday, May 19, 2008

Art-a-Whirl 2008

Oh, it was so much fun! It was a gorgeous day, and everyone came. They brought their babies, their doggies, and their cash! The mood was festive, and I enjoyed meeting new visitors and catching up with old friends. I was most appreciative of the enthusiasm for my artwork! It was so great to hear everyone's comments on the collages, and their chuckles and outright laughter was music to my ears. There's far too much seriousness in the world, a little laughter is sorely needed, and when my work produces a smile, it just makes my day.

It was so busy that I had no time to take photos during the event. I did manage to capture one of the first visitors taking a close look at one of the collages.

Here's an animated discussion between the creator of bettyscagnetti, fun one-of-a-kind clothing and accessories, and an enthusiastic customer holding a headband. bettyscagnetti is my studio neighbor - what a fabulous collection of original refashioned clothing and accessories!

And here's Josh, another fan of bettyscagnetti, posing for the camera. I said, "Josh, I need to add a person to the vast bettyscagnetti collection of scarves, ACT NATURAL." So here he is, looking his most natural. Aren't these scarves beautiful? If you would like to see (or better yet, purchase) more of her well-crafted creations, visit her Etsy online store here.

It was a lovely weekend. I sold collages, more prints than I could count, and one very large painting to a woman who had been admiring it since she saw it in a museum show several years ago. Now the party's over, and the tidying up of loose ends begins....

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