Saturday, March 26, 2011

Illustration Friday - "Toy"

I know those 50's toys were dangerous with their sharp metal edges, impractical because they would rust in the rain and they were certainly heavier than the plastic versions that followed in later years, but they could fly to the moon and back with the same awesome dexterity as their modern counterparts!


Pharoah said...

Oh I do love this so!

Melissa Mackie said...


Valeria said...

awesome collage!

Valeria said...

i love this collage. awesome.

Jeehyun Hoke said...

This is so sweet work.!

Andree Tracey said...

Thank you all for your kind comments!!

Isabelle said...

Beautiful!! Makes me want to go back to the 50's just for the toys!! Superb collage! Lovely colors too.