Thursday, April 30, 2009

Have you hugged your flamingo today?

I'm feeling all Victorian lately. I must be longing for simpler times (which of course were far from simple and in fact were simply dreadful, it's just the concept that's so soothing). I'm also working on several collages at one time, which keeps me preoccupied. A very special thank you to Suzi-Q for her guest appearance the other day. It's still raining here and she's still refusing to go outside until she is bursting at the seams.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guest Blogger

Hi, my name is Suzi-Q and my mom asked me to step in and say a few words because she is too busy to blog right now. So hi there. I wish she hadn't asked me because I'm really not in the mood, being annoyed with this rain. I hate to get my little feet wet. In fact, if I step outside to go for a walk, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE, and I discover that the ground is wet, I will turn around and want to go home. Fortunately my mom has proven to be very trainable, and I've taught her to put towels down for me so I can enjoy squirrel watching on days when the grass is wet. Is that not cool? Do you think this collar makes me look fat? I have a crush on a dog named Bob, but that's another story for another time.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hotel Rapid Deterioration



Time has a way of just drifting away. This is a chapter by Bonny Belgum in Somewhere in These Days of Morning, a forthcoming book of her inspired observations of life paired with my collages, inspired by her observations! Here's the chapter in its entirety:

She used to own a hotel called Rapid Deterioration,

and before that she lived in it. The whole place was done up in tasteful pumpkin. She had to move out to bring the total available rooms to 117, the correct number for any hotel on a large secondary street.

©2008 Excerpt from Somewhere in these Days of Morning by Bonny Belgum (author) and AndrĂ©e Tracey (illustrator)

Bonny always has an interesting adventure on her horizons - for more information about her writings and doings, check out her blog.